Vision and Values

Vision and Values

Rosebrook Primary School Vision and Values

Ethos and Values Statement for Rosebrook Primary School

School Identity and Context

Rosebrook opened in 2008 after 2 primary schools (Redbrook and Roseworth) were amalgamated in a brand-new building.  In 2016, it became a sponsor-led academy and was graded “Good” during the last inspection in October 2019. 

We are a large Enhanced Mainstream School (EMS) in Stockton on Tees in the Tees Valley. We have belonged to a family of schools who form Ad Astra Multi Academy Trust since November 2016.

Rosebrook Primary School operates in a context of high deprivation, with at least 50% of pupils eligible for free school meals (Pupil Premium) funding. The school has a significant number of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), including a high proportion with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Many pupils enter the school below age-related expectations, particularly in communication and literacy skills.

Despite these challenges, Rosebrook is committed to being the best school in Stockton, equipping its pupils with the skills, knowledge, and intrinsic motivation to succeed in secondary school and beyond.

Vision and Values

Here at Rosebrook, we share the ambitious vision that “we can be whatever we dream”.

Our vision is to ensure that all pupils leave Rosebrook well-equipped with the correct skills and knowledge, ready for the next stage of their education. Underpinning this vision are the school’s core values, captured in the acronym DREAM:

  1. Determination: Pupils are encouraged to be tenacious and bold, persevering in the face of challenges and striving to fulfil their potential.
  2. Respect: Pupils are taught to be kind, respectful, and considerate of others, recognising and celebrating the diversity within our school community and the environment.
  3. Enthusiasm: Rosebrook nurtures intrinsic motivation in its pupils and a zest for learning, inspiring them to take ownership of their learning and behaviour.
  4. Ambition: We instill in our pupils a sense of aspiration and ambition, helping them to envision and work towards fulfilling careers and meaningful lives.
  5. Mind-set (growth): We foster an environment where it is safe for pupils to take risks, learn from mistakes, and develop the resilience to bounce back from setbacks. There is no such word as “can’t”.

Our DREAM core values underpin our ambitious vision for every pupil and member of staff to thrive. We believe every one of us can be a happy, respectful, successful citizen by understanding how to develop these personal qualities and beliefs.

These values are central to our beliefs, which are shared, understood and demonstrated by every member of our school community.

Our House System is based on the principle that pupils, staff, and parents can work together as an extended family to achieve more than originally thought possible. By being part of a House, we want each person to learn the value of teamwork within the larger school community, ensuring that Rosebrook is a place that promotes team spirit, security, support and friendship.

Why star constellations you might ask? They represent what can be achieved when stars work together.

“Individually we shine but together we create something that shines much brighter”

The selection of star constellations as House names also aims to extend pupils’ knowledge beyond what is already known. They link to the name of our Multi-Academy Trust, Ad Astra, meaning “to the stars”.

The Trust’s strapline “stars in the making” reflects an ambitious vision within each school community that every child and every staff member can be the best that they can be.


The Five Houses of Rosebrook

Ursa Major

The determination of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, allows it to overcome any obstacle in its track. This beast symbolises strength and tenacity, and with these qualities, anything is possible.


Soaring majestically through the skies, Aquila the Eagle commands respect, but also reminds us of its fragility as an endangered species. It cries out the need for respecting the planet, each other and ourselves.


Draco the Dragon is an energetic and fiery creature who ignites passion and a zest for life. It is the perfect symbol of enthusiasm and motivation.


Pegasus the Flying Horse is a striking, mythical creature; a symbol of inspiration and ambition. It reminds us that if we aim high, and shine bright, we can be whatever we dream!


Leo the Lion is a symbol of positivity and strength – of both body and mind. Leo reminds us that by being positive, resilient and having a growth mindset, we can face any challenge we encounter.



At Rosebrook, we dream!

We are determined, respectful, enthusiastic, ambitious and we are developing a growth mind-set. These are our core values.


Educational Approach

Rosebrook’s educational approach is designed to fulfil the potential of every child, regardless of their starting point or background. We focus on developing foundational skills and knowledge in core areas such as reading, writing, and mathematics, while also fostering a love of learning and a wide breadth of knowledge.

Pupils say they enjoy school. They tell us that they love to write and that they write about lots of things. There are many pupils who really enjoy maths. Pupils are proud of their work.

The school’s emphasis on reading and literacy is a key driver of our approach, with the aim of opening doors for pupils and equipping them with the skills to read well and widely. This, in turn, supports pupils in reaching national standards and enjoying their learning.

Pupils feel safe in their learning and know it is fine if they do not get something right. They are happy to ask for help, and to help their peers.

By cultivating a safe and supportive learning environment, Rosebrook empowers its pupils to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and support one another. This fosters the intrinsic motivation that is central to the school’s vision and values.

Through our holistic approach, Rosebrook aims to ensure that all of our pupils leave well-equipped with the correct skills and knowledge, ready for secondary school and beyond.